
Movie Night Brief 2024(Alumni)

The school Movie Night, held on 21st June, 2024 at STEAM lab, was a fun-filled event organized with the intention of providing entertainment and fostering a sense of community within the school. The event aimed to offer former students an opportunity to relax, enjoy some refreshments, and bond with each other in a casual and enjoyable setting.

The movie selection for the Movie Night was chosen to appeal to a wide range of audiences. Notable movie showcased during the event was The Greatest Showman. The film ensured that there was something for everyone, ensuring an engaging and inclusive movie night experience.

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FutureGEN Young Women Leaders Award Launching Ceremony

The FutureGEN Young Women Leaders Award Launching Ceremony was held on 28th May 2024. This program offers teen girls an opportunity to engage with 20 different industries’ leaders. Students can learn and develop vital leadership, communication, digital and various skills to effect positive change for better future. Broadway students are invited to share their idea about future career in the launching ceremony.  It is a golden opportunity for our students to learn from different industry leaders in the event.

Guilin Study Tour Dec 2023

As part of a scout cultural exchange program, four scouts from our school had the incredible opportunity to visit Guilin, China. The primary objective of the program was to visit one of the schools in Guilin and engage in a meaningful cultural exchange with our Chinese peers. Moreover, they were given the opportunity to immerse themselves in the country’s rich cultural heritage. Beyond simply touring historic landmarks, they sought to gain a deeper understanding of the traditions, customs, and values that have shaped Chinese civilization over millennia. By visiting iconic sites and engaging with local communities, students can learn more about Chinese culture from the communities.

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Volunteer Team – Beach-Cleaning Service Day

Date: 25/5/2024, 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Venue: Approach Beach, 10 1/2 milestone, Castle Peak Road, Ting Kau

The issue of ocean waste, particularly plastic waste, has become a matter of great concern. Plastic decomposition in water creates “microplastics” that are absorbed by marine organisms, entering the food chain and affecting human health. In response to the problem, the government launched the “Plastic Free” campaign on April 22nd. Our school aims to enhance our students’ awareness of waste issues in Hong Kong and connect their science and biology knowledge to understand the problem better. This beach cleanup is part of our environmental awareness program for this school year.

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Seminar of Climate Change at CUHK

On the 25th  May 2024 (Saturday), 23 students and 7 teachers from our school were pleased to participate in the seminar “ STEAM Education Enriching Knowledge Series: Challenges and Opportunities of Climate Change on Global Sustainable Agriculture cum Guided Tour to the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change” launched by the Education Bureau held at the Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK).

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S2 OLE – Hong Kong Heritage Museum visit


On the afternoon of April 22nd 2024, whole form of S2 students filled with anticipation and longing to learn more about Hong Kong’s outstanding local culture, visited the Hong Kong Heritage Museum.

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Pakistan Study Tour 2024

May 5

On the first day, students and teachers all gathered at the airport after check-in. Then we all went to the boarding gate. We took a flight to Bangkok which was around 3 hours long, after which we took a 5-hour flight to Lahore, Pakistan. We landed at around 10.30 pm

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