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2023-2024 HKSSF Inter-school Sports Competitions

Inter-school Sports Competitions3

This year, our school’s sports teams have achieved outstanding results in the Hong Kong Inter-schools Sports Competitions (Team Sports Events), and the ECA Department is pleased to share the awards as follows:

his year, our school’s sports teams have achieved outstanding results in the Hong Kong Inter-schools Sports Competitions (Team Sports Events), and the ECA Department is pleased to share the awards as follows:

Competition 2023-24 Division Category Awards
Volleyball Competition 3 Girls A Grade (K2) 2nd Place
Volleyball Competition 3 Girls (K2) Overall Second
Football Competition 3 Boys B Grade (K1) 3rd Place
Football Competition 3 Boys (K1) Overall Fourth
Beach Volleyball Competition 2 Boys Junior 4th Place


The school would like to congratulate all the winners and thank to the teams teacher incharge, coaches and alumni instructors for the invaluable guidance and support. The concerted efforts of all team members are highly appreciated.


Boys B Grade – 3rd Place Boys Overall – 4th Place


Boys Junior – 4th Place


Girls A – 2nd Place Girls Overall – 2nd Place


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