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Delia Memorial School (Broadway) Parent-Teacher Association

The 26th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of PTA (2023-24) was held from 11:15am to 12:25 pm at the school gymnasium on 16th September 2023 (Sat). The AGM had been scheduled one week earlier but was affected by the black rain storm signal. This year, 101 Parents and 55 teachers attended the AGM.

Mr. Lo, School Principal, first welcomed parents and took the opportunity to brief parents the annual school plan (2023-24), school fee remission scheme, the reserve for construction, maintenance and upgrading of above-standard facilities and scholarships and awards. After that, Ms Leung, the chairperson, and Mr Kot, the treasurer, reported the PTA work done and finance of the PTA respectively. The school also arranged the school social workers to brief parents the Healthy School Scheme with a Drug Testing Component.


Finally, it was the election of the 26th PTA Standing Committee (2023-24). Mr Tsang explained the procedure and invited the five candidates to introduce themselves to parents and teachers. Then, ballot papers were distributed and collected back. Some teachers helped the counting of votes. Results were that Ms Leung and Ms Samina got the most and second most votes respectively. 

Mr. Tsang (Secretary of the PTA Standing Committee), the MC of the AGM, addressing the attendees

Mr. Lo, the Principal, briefing parents the school plans and measures

Ms Leung, the Chairperson of the PTA, reporting the work of the PTA (2022-23)

Mr. Kot, the treasurer, reporting the financial report (22-23)

Ballot counting of the election of PTA Standing Committee (2023-24)