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Delia Memorial School (Broadway)
Careers and Studies

Career Guidance Team 2015-2016

Our Vision & Goal: CAREER

The new secondary school (NSS) curriculum aims to provide smoother and wider range of articulation pathways for students via HKDSE. With lots of learning and work opportunities opening up to students and changes in the workplace brought about by globalization and information technology, there is a need to better prepare students to make an appropriate academic/career option in accordance with their interest, ability and orientation. Through collaboration with different teams and co-ordination with relevant life planning education activities in school, career guidance team (CGT) hope that our students are:

– supported to make career decisions in accordance with their interests, abilities and orientations;

– empowered to make informed and responsible choices on their learning, career goals and other aspects leading to a meaningful life; and

– better prepared for actualizing individuals potential through pursuit of their personal/career goals.

Study Talks

Career Talks


Careers Exploration