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Honing Skills in Hospitality Programme 2015

Honing Skills in Hospitality Programme 2015

Honing Skills in Hospitality Programme is a collaborative program of the Hong Kong & Shanghai Hotels Limited (HSH) and Delia Memorial School (Broadway). It helps students taking Tourism & Hospitality Studies to get hands-on skills in hospitality at different establishments of Hong Kong & Shanghai Hotels Limited (HSH).

Nine Broadwayers were selected to join the program in different operations of the group. The programme began with the introduction to the operations of different departments maanaged by the group. The whole 6-week experience (from 13/7/2015 – 14/8/2015) gave out students the opportunity to apply their skills during their training, and the Graduation Ceremony of this programme was held on 10th September, 2015. [ Photos of Graduation Ceremony]

The nine Broadwayers were:

ClassNoFirst NameFamily NamesOperation
5B33Gillian Marie LamSantosButterfield’s
5A10RubilynGabayanCX Lounges
5B7Hei (Amy)ChanCX Lounges
5B45Khatija BibiZubairCX Lounges
5C32RabiyaZulfqarCX Lounges
5A28Carlos ChristianMendozaThe Peninsula Hong Kong – F&B
5B27Naomi Kate L.PalisThe Peninsula Hong Kong – F&B
5A34FaithPiedraThe Peninsula Hong Kong – Housekeeping
5A41SarishmaSubbaThe Repulse Bay