official 60th logo




日期:二零零五年十二月十六日 (星期五)



出席:陳鉅培校長及會員 327 人

(學生會員 189 人、一般會員 88人、名譽會員 50人)


一‧  周年大會開始

大會於七時十五分正式開始,先由會長陳鉅培校長致詞歡迎各會員出席今晚的周年大會。 陳校長亦希望校友多與學校聯絡,支持學校的校務。

二‧  李志達主席致歡迎詞


三‧  李志達主席報告上年度會務及財政情況

四‧  審議上年度周年大會及財政報告


五‧  審議本年度執行委員會人選




                主席:李志達 (1995)

          副主席:林浩剛 (1996)



                康樂:郭家暉 (2000)、冼敬強 (2000)、陳芷瑩 (2000)

                推廣:王帆影 (2003)、Shirlyne (2003)


六‧  當晚由兩位校友王帆影及Shiryln做司儀,由主席李志達先生宣佈簡單的會務外,更有抽獎遊戲,獎品由左筱霞校董及會長陳鉅培博士贊助;是日晚餐以自助餐形式。週年大會的目的,最重要是讓校友得悉學校的近況和發展,亦使校友們有機會與老師們相會。



八‧  周年大會結束



Annual General Meeting


16th December, 2005 (Friday)


7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.


School Gymnasium


Dr K.P. Chan (Principal) and 327 members (189 student-members, 88 ordinary members & 50 honorary members)

  1. Commencement of the Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The AGM began at 7:15 p.m. Dr Chan, our school principal gave a welcome speech to all members and teachers. Dr Chan hoped that all alumni continue to keep contact with the teachers and the school and very importantly to support the development of the school.


  1. Chairperson’s (Mr Lee C.T.) speech

Mr Lee also gave his welcome speech to all members and teachers who attended the AGM.


  1. Chairperson’s annual and financial report

Please refer to the annex.


  1. Approval of the AGM(previous year) and financial report

The AGM(previous year) and financial report was approved.


  1. Approval of the Alumni Committee (2005-06)

Mr Chow S.Y. will replace Mr. Ting P.Y. as the secretary. The Alumni Committee (2005-06) was approved as follow.

Chairperson:             Mr. Lee Chi Tat (1995)

Vice-chairperson:      Mr. Lam Ho Kong (1996)

Treasurer:         Mr. Cheung Hon Hau (Teacher)

Secretary:         Mr. Chow Sing Yin (Teacher)

Recreation:               Mr. Kwok Ka Fai (2000), Mr Sin King Keung (2000) &

                                 Ms Chan Tse Ying (2000)

                Publicity:                   Ms Wong Fan Ying (2003) & Shirlyn (2003)


  1. Ms Wong Fan Ying and Shirlyn were the MC in the AGM. Our chairperson, Mr Lee briefly reported the activities and events organized by the Alumni Association. Then we had a lucky draw for all members and guests. Our School Director, Ms Clara Chor and the School Principal kindly sponsored the prizes for the Alumni Association. Members and guests then enjoyed a very joyful and delicious buffet dinner chatting with friends and teachers and knowing how well was each other.


In the second part of the AGM, there were performances – Indian dance, songs and music by students, alumni and teachers (e.g. Mr K.C. Lau). Mr K.C. Kot gave us a wonderful stand-up comedy was applauded by all members and guest who burst out laughter again and again. The climax of the AGM was that Ms Fong L.L. and S.5D students held birthday celebration for Ms Tse C.Y. as Ms Tse has been S.5D students’ class teacher for five consecutive years. And they wanted to show their appreciation and gratitude to Ms Tse’s kindness, care and great effort publicly in the AGM. It was touching to have witness such moments when students and teachers have established such deep relationship.


  1. The ending of the AGM

The AGM ended at 10:00 p.m.