甲) 本會定名為「地利亞(百老匯)校友會」 (以下簡稱為“本會”)。
乙) 本會隸屬於地利亞教育機構校友會。
甲) 促進地利亞教育機構校友會間之友誼和合作。
乙) 加強校友與本校教職員之關係。
丙) 作為學校與社會間的橋樑。
丁) 以本會會員及社會利益為前題,促進及組織本會認為有意義之社會、文化、教育、公民或慈善性質等活動。
會員 | 入會資格 | 享有權利 | 會費(港元) | |
一般會員 | 曾在本校就讀不少於一學年之校友 | 1) | 選舉及被選舉權 | 豁免 |
2) | 有權提名及建議罷免執行委員會委員 | |||
3) | 出席及參與本會所舉辦或安排之任何活動 | |||
4) | 享用本會間常為會員提供的指定設施或專利 | |||
會員 | 入會資格 | 享有權利 | 會費(港元) | |
名譽會員 | 現職教職員 | 1) | 有權提名本會會員參選執行委員會會席,但無投票或被選舉權 | 豁免 |
2) | 出席及參與本會所舉辦安排之任何活動 | |||
3) | 享用本會間常為會員提供的指定設施或專利 | |||
學生會員 | 畢業班學生 | 1) | 出席及參與本會所舉辦安排之任何活動 | 三十元 |
2) | 享用本會間常為會員提供的指定設施或專利 |
甲) 執行委員會為本會行政部門,其委員將不少於七位及不多於十八位。執行委員會須由會員大會選舉產生,其選舉程序則按照會章第十條款之規定而進行。在會員大會中獲最高票數的會員應成為執行委員會委員,每屆任期為兩年。
乙) 執行委員會成員必須包括最少五位曾在本校就讀不少於兩學年之一般會員及兩位名譽會員(由校方委任)。
丙) 執行委員會須在會員大會後的第一次會議中互選選出
– 主席;
– 副主席;
– 兩位秘書(其中一人為名譽會員);
– 司庫(必須為名譽會員);及
– 兩位康樂活動秘書
丁) 本校校長為本會會長。每年會員大會由會長主持。會長擁有會員大會之最終決策權。
戊) 執行委員會委員在本會之服務皆屬義務性質,不能受薪。
己) 執行委員會委員必須代表本會籌組地利亞教育機構校友會。
甲) 執行會員大會及特別會員大會之議決案;
乙) 推行本會會務;
丙) 向會員大會呈交建議;
丁) 委任任何一般會員,以補替因執行委員會委員離職或被罷職而騰空的任何執行委員職位;
戊) 審批會員申請;及
己) 組織附屬委員會或工作小組,處理非經常性事務。
甲) 按照第八條款(己)項成立的附屬委員會或工作小組,須由一位執行委員擔任領導及至少一位執行委員會委員或增補之委員參與。
乙) 附屬委員會或工作小組,必須向執行委員會呈交報告及建議,由執行委員會考慮及批核。
甲) 會員大會必須在每年十二月召開。在會議召開前十四天,須以書面通知會員。
乙) 週年會員大會議程(如適用):
i) | 通過上次週年會員大會會議紀錄; |
ii) | 選舉執行委員會委員; |
iii) | 審查及通過週年報告及財政報告; |
iv) | 討論及決定本會其他事項。 |
甲) 如會員觸犯下列條款,執行委員會可向其發出警告及/或革除會籍。
i) | 違反本會會章,或不遵守本會會議決案。 |
ii) | 假本會名義,作出執行委員會認為會損害本會聲譽或利益之行為。 |
乙) 在正式以本會權力革除會員之會籍前,執行委員會須以書面通知有關會員,給予申辯機會(以書面或親身申辯均可。)
丙) 任何會員,自動退會或被革除會籍者,其已付的會費或捐獻,將不獲發還。
* In the event of any inconsistency between the English version and Chinese version of this notice, the Chinese version shall prevail.
* 如本條款及細則之中英文版本有任何歧義,概以中文版本為準。
The registered address of the Association shall be 80-86 Broadway Road, Mei Foo, Kowloon.
Members of the Association shall abide by the Constitution .All applications for membership are subject to the screening by and the approval of the Executive Committee of the Association, which shall also have full prerogative and discretion to reject such applications without having to make known the reasons.
Membership | Eligibility | Rights & Privileges | Membership fee |
Ordinary Members | Alumni who have studied in our school for not less than one academic year | 1) To vote and stand for election 2) To nominate candidates to serve on the Executive Committee or to call for its members’ dismissal in the event of dereliction of duty 3) To attend or participate in any activities / functions held or arranged by the Association 4) To use the facilities and enjoy the privileges accorded by the Association to its members within the membership period on a regular basis | Waived |
Honorary Members
The serving teaching staff members
1) To nominate candidates to serve on the Executive Committee of the Association, shall have no right to vote or stand for election.
2) To attend or participate in any activities / functions held or arranged by the Association
3) To use the facilities and enjoy the privileges accorded by the Association to its members within the membership period on a regular basis
Student Members
Students currently studying in S3 or above
1) To attend or participate in any activities / functions held or arranged by the Association
2) To use the facilities and enjoy the privileges accorded by the Association to its members within the membership period on a regular basis
Acting on the resolution passed by the Executive Committee, the Association can invite alumni (members or non-members) who have rendered distinguished contributions or services to the community to become Patrons, Honorary Vice-President or Honorary Advisers of the Association for the purpose of supporting or promoting the affairs of the Association. Patrons, Honorary Vice-Chairpersons and Honorary Advisers shall have no right to vote or stand for election if they themselves are not ordinary members of the Association.
The Alumni Association shall carry the office of President for the Association. As such, it shall command supremacy over matters concerning the Association while the management of the affairs of the Association shall remain the responsibility of the Executive Committee.
(a) The Exco shall remain the administrative organ of Association with a make-up of no fewer than seven members and no more than eighteen. The Exco shall be formed through election at a General Meeting and the election process shall be carried out in accordance with the procedures stated in Clause 10 hereinafter. Members receiving the highest votes at the General Meeting shall become Exco members whose term of office shall last for two years.
(b) The Exco shall comprise no fewer than five Ordinary Members who have studied in our school for at least two years, and two school-appointed Honorary Members.
(c) The Exco shall be formed through reciprocal voting among Association members in the First Exco meeting to be called after the General Meeting with the following office-bearers:
– the Chairperson
– the Vice-Chairperson
– two Secretaries (one of whom shall be an Honorary Member)
– the Treasurer (who shall be an Honorary Member)
– two Recreational Secretaries
(d) The Principal of Delia (Broadway) School is the Principal of Delia (Broadway) Alumni. He / She will host the General Meeting and shall declare final approval.
(e) All Committee Members shall be voluntary for the position. Payment of salary for the position is prohibited.
(f) Committee Member shall represent the Association to facilities all events organized by the Alumni Associations of the Delia Group of Schools.
(a) To enforce resolutions adopted at the General Meetings and the Extraordinary General Meetings.
(b) To conduct all general affairs of the Association.
(c) To make recommendations to the General Meeting.
(d) To co-opt any Ordinary Member to take up the post left vacant by the resignation / dismissal of any Exco member.
(e) To review and approve admission of members.
(f) To organize sub-committees or working groups to handle extraordinary matters.
(i) To adopt the minutes of the previous session.
(ii) To elect the Exco Committee members.
(iii) To scrutinize and adopt the Annual Report and the Treasurer’s Report.
(iv) To discuss and decide on any business relating to the Association.
Upon requisition made in writing by half of the Exco members or ten Ordinary Members of the Association, the President shall convene an Extraordinary General Meeting within three weeks. Any such requisition shall specify the objects of the proposed meeting, and no other matters shall be discussed thereat. Notice in writing shall be given to all the members at least 7 days prior to the meeting. The quorum in respect of the Extraordinary General Meeting shall be the same as that for the General Meeting.
Proposals for making amendments to Constitution shall be tabled only at the General Meetings. The proposals shall then be forwarded to the President of the Association for endorsement and the approved proposals shall in turn be tabled at the General Meeting for adoption. Any amendments to the Constitution passed at a General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting shall not be effective until upon notification to the Registrar of Societies.
The Exco Meeting shall be called at least three times a year or whenever the Chairperson sees fit. The presence of half of the Committee members is necessary to form a quorum.
Motions at any meetings shall be carried by a majority vote.
With the exception of the General Meetings and the Joint-School Alumni Meetings, the Chairperson of the Exco shall preside over all other meetings. In case of his / her absence, the Vice-Chairperson shall act on his / her behalf. In the event that both the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson are absent, the President shall appoint another member of the Exco to act.
Funds of the Association shall be solely used in compliance with the objects as stipulated in Clause No. 3 hereinabove.
(i) has contravened the Constitution or refused to act on the adopted resolutions; or
(ii) has, under the name of the Alumni Association, perpetrated acts which are deemed detrimental to its reputation or interest;
If it becomes impossible to carry out activities in compliance with the aims of the Association as stipulated in Clause 3 hereinabove, then the Association may, upon the consent of the President and the passing of a resolution through a majority vote at a General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting, with a quorum of two-thirds of all members of the Association, be dissolved. Any remainder of the membership funds resulting from the dissolution shall be allotted to the school to which the Association is affiliated.
Amended on 11/12/2009
* In the event of any inconsistency between the English version and Chinese version of this notice, the Chinese version shall prevail.
* 如本條款及細則之中英文版本有任何歧義,概以中文版本為準。