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National Education – Talk by Mr. LEUNG Chun-ying

Thanks to the arrangement of the Friends of Hong Kong Association, a special honourable guest speaker, Mr. Leung Chun Ying, came and visited us on 18th October, 2024 (Friday). Mr Leung was our Guest of Honour on the Speech Day of Delia Group of Schools in 2009. Therefore, two special souvenirs, a mini-album of photos of Mr. Leung in that special event and the programme book, were also present by the end of this event.

Mr. Leung and Mr. Lo exchanged souvenirs


Mr Leung delivered a talk on the National 14th 5-year plan and the development opportunities for Hong Kong particularly on the example of shipping and maritime business development of Hong Kong. The topic is highly relevant to the Citizenship and Social Development. The talk was arranged for S.5 students’ Other Learning Experience (OLE) in the school gym.

Mr Leung is currently a Vice-Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and was our former Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The contact of being so close to a significant political figure like Mr. Leung is a rare experience to us, both students and teachers. While other classes were having their lessons, Mr Lo our school Principal and many other teachers also attended the talk.

Students were attentive to Mr. Leung’s speech. A few questions were raised by our ethnic minority students in relation to their involvement in the possible future development of Hong

Kong. Mr Leung’s responses pointed to the directions that there are development opportunities opening up to all members of young people in Hong Kong.

Mr. Leung delivering his speech on the 14th 5-year National Plan and the New Opportunities for Hong Kong

S.5 students attentively listening

S.5 students attentively listening

Mr. Leung’s engaging delivery appealed to the audience

Mr. Leung’s engaging delivery appealed to the audience

Mr. Leung’s engaging delivery appealed to the audience

Q & A session: a student asked how might the 14th 5-year plan affect the lives of ethnic minority community in Hong Kong

Q & A session: another student asked what role cultural diversity might play in the development strategies outlined in the national 5-year plan

Two special souvenirs, a mini-album of photos of Mr Leung being the Guest of Honour on the Speech Day of Delia Group of School (2009) and its programme book were presented by Mckael (5B) and Arashveen (5A) to express our deepest appreciation

A picture of our Honorary Guest Speaker, Mr. Leung, and all of us

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