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Good Behaviour Nomination Scheme 2016-2017

Good Behaviour Nomination Scheme 2016-2017

Our teachers nominate the students with good behaviour every month. Good behaviour prize coupons will be given to students the week following the nomination. Moreover, the school will post the results on our school website every month. We hope that it will encourage students to behave well.


Good behaviour falls into different categories:

  1. Academic performance such as showing consistent effort in studies and significant positive change in learning attitude;
  2. Conduct such as showing significant positive change in behaviour;
  3. Extra-curricular activities such as good performance in carrying out duties as a committee member or good results in competitions;
  4. Service to fellow students, the class, the school and community.

The winners are:

SEPT 2016 OCT 2016 NOV 2016 DEC 2016
JAN 2017 FEB 2017 MAR 2017 APR 2017
MAY 2017 JUN 2017 JUL 2017 Summer Holiday


2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

Those students can use the prize coupon(s) to redeem gifts from me. Students may choose to accumulate the prize coupons to redeem bigger gifts. When students redeem the gifts, I will stamp on the prize coupons. The students can keep the redeemed prize coupon(s) as a record of their good behaviour.

No. of Coupons Prize
2 Stationery item (e.g. ball-point pen, gel ink pen, eraser, pencil leads & ruler)
3 Stationery item (e.g. ball-point pen, eraser, mechanical pencil & ruler)
5 Stationery item (e.g. erasable gel ink pen, sticky notes, memo pad & ball-point pen)
8 Stationery item (e.g. scratch colouring book, notebook & 8 colours ball-point pen)
10 Stationery item (e.g. scratch colouring book with ruler & correction tape [pack of 6])
15 Others (e.g. super cooling towel, bracelet, mirror, earphones & jewellery box)
20 Stationery item and others (e.g. building block, ball-point pen [pack of 10], plush toy, tote bag, highlighter [pack of 5] & portable bottle [400 ml])
22 Others (e.g. USB 3.0 flash drive [16GB] & portable bottle [450 ml])
25 Stationery item and others (e.g. 2-in-1 USB 3.0 flash drive [16GB], USB 3.0 flash drive [32GB], pencil-case & string bag)
28 Others (e.g. 2-in-1 USB 3.0 flash drive [32GB] & plush toy)
30 Free Ticket to Ocean Park (after Final Examination)

*Note: All the gifts will be given on a first-come-first-served basis. The guidance team reserves the right to determine the final gifts list.

If you have any enquiries / suggestions, please feel free to email me. My email address is:

Thanks & Cheers,

Ms Sung Sze Man

Good Behaviour Program teacher-in-charge

Guidance Team