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General Notice


General Behaviour

  1. Students have to fulfill the “15 C 50” policy of the school. Students cannot be promoted if?
    1. they have been absent for 15 days or more.
    2. their conduct grade is below C.
    3. their average mark does not reach 50.
  1. Students need to maintain appropriate conduct under all circumstances whether they are in or outside the school. 
  2. Students are reminded not to bring unnecessary items to school (e.g. magazines, toys, electronic devices, jewellery) which may distract them from their studies. 
  3. Students must treat all staff in the school with manners and respect whether in or outside the school. 
  4. If any student commits any major misconduct (e.g.: truancy, fighting, stealing, gambling, smoking, cheating, vandalism or other misbehaviour), the student will be suspended from school or even expelled. 
  5. School property should be treated with care. If any student is caught vandalizing or damaging any school property, the corresponding parents will be asked to pay the cost of repair or replacement. 
  6. (7.1) During school hours, students are not allowed to leave the school without the school office’s approval.
    (7.2) Students must provide medical proof for any sick leave.
    (7.3) Students must acknowledge and await the school’s approval before taking casual leave.
  7. Students are not allowed to use mobile phones in school. If a mobile phone is seen being used by any student, that phone will be confiscated by the teacher and kept for at least 3 school days. 
  8. Chewing gum is not allowed in the school premises. A light demerit will be given if students do not follow the rule.


  1. Anyone who arrives at school later than the bell at 8:15 a.m. is regarded as being late for school.
  2. The late comer should register at the school office and will be issued a lateness notification form which should then be given to his/her teacher in the classroom.
  3. Any students who have been late for every two times will be punished by light demerit.
  4. Latecomers are required to stay for the 50-minute Late Detention Class (3:40 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.) on the day that they are late.
  5. One light demerit will be given if the student does not attend the Late Detention Class on the day that they are late and he/she must stay for the 50-minute Late Detention Class on the next day.

Early leave

  1. A student who is sick or needs to leave for urgent matters can ask for early leave and should seek permission at the school office. Parents will be informed and students can leave school with his/her parent.
  2. The teacher is first informed and make a note in the class diary. Monitor accompanies the student to the School Office with the class diary.
  3. The student should hand in a letter for the early leave and doctor’s sick leave certificate when he/she returns to school.

Sick Leave

  1. A student who cannot attend school because of sickness should notify the School Office by parents before 7:45 a.m. (Tel.: 27422028). The class teacher will then be notified as well. The student needs to hand in his/her Letter for Sick Leave and together with the doctor’s sick leave certificate when he/she returns to school.

Leave of Absence

A student who asks for leave of absence should notify his/her class teacher at least the day before absence. Otherwise it would be treated as French leave.

An Example of Letter for Leave of Absence/ Sick Leave


Dear Principal,

My son/daughter __________________ of class _______, will be/was absent due to urgent matters/ sickness. Therefore, he/she will take/ took ______ day(s) of leave of absence / sick leave, from ____ period ______________ to ______________.

Thank you for your kind attention.





  1. Monitors collect all the exercise books with regard to different subjects and make a record of students who fail to hand in their homework assignments.
  2. Monitors send the exercise books and the assignment record form to the subject teachers.
  3. A monitor returns the classroom diary to general office as after school.

School uniform

Students must wear the proper school uniform tidily in school (including Extra-Curricular Activities and during holidays). The House P.E. uniform is to be worn during days with P.E. lessons. Proper school uniform includes:

(1.1) The school assigned Schoolbag

(1.2) Winter Uniform

<1.2.1> Male:

    1. Long-sleeved white shirt with school badge
    2. Plain white undershirt
    3. School tie
    4. Grey trousers
    5. Black leather belt
    6. White socks (length: at least covering a thumb length from the ankle)
    1. Black leather shoes
    2. Shirts must be tucked in with no shirt hanging over the trousers
    3. Trousers must be secured at the waist

<1.2.2> Female:

    1. Grey dress with school badge and white cuffs (dress length: covering the knee)
    1. Grey belt
    2. Tied yellow ribbon
    3. Grey socks (length: at least covering half the length of the leg)
    1. Black leather shoes
    2. White or grey pants under the dress is allowed due to religious reason

<1.2.3> Cardigan: Only grey colour is allowed.

<1.2.4> School Jacket: No outside jacket is allowed.

(1.3) Summer Uniform

<1.3.1> Male:

      1. Short-sleeved white shirt with school badge
      2. Plain white undershirt
      3. Grey trousers
      4. Black leather belt
      5. White socks (length: at least covering a thumb length from the ankle)
      6. Black leather shoes
      7. Shirts must be tucked in with no shirt hanging over the trousers
      8. Trousers must be secured at the waist

<1.3.2> Female:

      1. White dress with school badge (dress length: covering the knee)
      2. Plain white undershirt
      3. White belt
      4. Tied yellow ribbon
      5. White socks (length: at least covering half the length of the leg)
      6. Black leather shoes

(1.4) PE Uniform

      1. House PE uniform
      2. White sport shoes
      3. White socks (length: at least covering a thumb length from the ankle)

(1.5) Make-up, jewellery and accessories are not allowed.

(1.6) Headbands are allowed only with white, black or grey colour.

(1.7) Hair must be neat with no hairstyling substances such as oil, hair gel or hair clay.

      1. Male: hair should not cover the eyebrow or touches the collar of the shirt.
      2. Female: must have their hair tied at the back and off the face if the hair touches the shoulder.

(1.8) Students will be given a blue form if any inappropriate uniform violation is found. One light demerit will be given for every 3 violations in the blue forms.

  1. Legitimate Proof

(2.1) Students can be exempted from the school appearance policy with regard to accessories with the following proof:

<2.1.1> Documents of proof for religious necessity signed by parents; followed by consultation with parents or guardians.

<2.1.2> The discipline committee reserves the right to determine the validity of the student’s request.