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Environmental Protection Education 2023 – 2024

Paper Recycling Campaign

School Environmental Protection Ambassador Badge

Class Environmental Protection Ambassador Badge


1. Students learn to practice recycling for the sake of environmental conservation.

2. Students learn to keep the school clean.

In order to help conserving the environment, a Recycling Campaign to encourage students to practice recycling of waste paper to encourage students to keep our school clean is organized.

Recycling Campaign – How?

1. Each class has a box for collecting waste paper.

2. Class teachers assign at least 2 Class Environmental Protection Ambassadors (CEPAs) to help collect scrap/waste paper and deliver the recycling box to the School Environmental Protection Ambassadors (SEPAs) on ground floor during the 1st class-teacher period.

3. The collected waste paper will be weighted and recorded by SEPAs.

4. The results will be counted at the end of each school term.


Results of the Recycle Campaign


1st Term Result

2nd Term Result


1O (6.60 kg)



2M (4.30 kg)



3O (24.25 kg)



4A (15.60 kg)



5D (10.90 kg)



6D(13.20 kg)


Plastic bottle and Metal Can Recycling Campaign

Beach Cleanup Service (25/5/24)

Date: 25/5/2024, 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Venue: Approach Beach, 10 1/2 milestone, Castle Peak Road, Ting Kau

The issue of ocean waste, particularly plastic waste, has become a matter of great concern. Plastic decomposition in water creates “microplastics” that are absorbed by marine organisms, entering the food chain and affecting human health. In response to the problem, the government launched the “Plastic Free” campaign on April 22nd. Our school aims to enhance our students’ awareness of waste issues in Hong Kong and connect their science and biology knowledge to understand the problem better. This beach cleanup is part of our environmental awareness program for this school year.

Thanks Green Hope Hong Kong for organizing this event. 19 students attended training workshops on April 9th, and 17 students participated in the beach cleanup. They collected a total of 72kg of trash, mostly plastic waste. Most students had not joined cleanup services before, but they expressed interest in participating again in the future. This activity has successfully raised awareness and inspired our students to take further action.