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Daily Arrangement


  • School opens at 7:30 a.m.
  • Students must arrive at school before 8:10 a.m.
  • Monitor gets class diary and key from general office
  • Teachers and prefects will be present to maintain good order
Assembly & Roll Call 8:10-8:45
  • Morning Assembly is held at the school hall.
  • Announcements are made.
  • Class teachers take roll call and check students’ school uniform.
  • Monitors send exercise books and homework record form to staff room.
  • Reading lesson is conducted during this period.
Lessons begin 8:45
  • During lessons, students cannot leave classroom without permission.
Recess 9:55-10:10
  • Students can stay in the classroom or buy snacks at the tuck shop.
  • Students cannot enter other classrooms.
Lunch 11:55-12:45
  • All S.1 students must stay in the classrooms in the first 35 minutes to have lunch.
  • Students should clean up the classroom after lunch.
  • Afterwards, students have 15 minutes free time but they must stay in the school campus.
  • S2 to S6 students can either stay in the classrooms or go outside for their lunch.
  • Subject teachers take roll call.
Recess 1:55-2:10
  • Students can stay in the classroom or buy snacks at the tuck shop.
  • Students cannot enter other classrooms.
End of a day 3:20

Class Teachers Period 3:20 – 3:30

  • Students should clean up the classroom.
  • Students leave the classroom and the school in an orderly way.
  • Students should go home immediately after school.
  • Monitor returns the class diary to general office.
3:30 onwards
  • Extra-curricular activities and Tutorials begin.
  • Students should leave school no later than 5:30 p.m. after extra- curricular activities and tutorials.