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Cleaning Campaign 2018 – 2019

Cleaning Campaign 2018-2019




To cultivate a clean classroom environment for learning

To foster class spirit



Weekly cycle

All Classes

Visual reward recognition through TV corridors

*New scoring system*

5 + *1 domains, max. 4 points awarded for each domain each day

– *1 bonus domain, max. 2 points

At the end of the week, the number of stars will be calculated based on how many points are received

Average = Total no of stars that week / 5

Mark recording

Judges to input marks every day

Same time in all classes during 2nd recess or lunch or after school

Cleaning Certificates are posted on Corridor TV


Prizes given to classes who get 5-star ratings every TWO times


Did you pick up the rubbish?

4 points: 3 pieces or less

2 points: 7 – 9 pieces

3 points: 4 – 6 pieces

1 point: 10 or more pieces

Is your blackboard clean?

4 points: >80% cleaned

2 points: 40% ~ 59% cleaned

3 points: 60% ~ 80% cleaned

1 point: <40% cleaned

Is your interactive board clean?

4 points: >80% cleaned

2 points: 40% ~ 59% cleaned

3 points: 60% ~ 80% cleaned

1 point: <40% cleaned

Is your teachers’ desk tidy?

2 points: clean and tidy

1 point: Not clean and tidy enough

Total points

BONUS: Are your chairs under the desks?

2 points: 50% or more done

0 points: Less than 50%


Points to stars conversion chart

Your average number of points Your stars this week
18 points or above 5

15 – 17 points 4

12 – 14 points 3

11 points or below 2