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Civic Education 2020 – 2021

Civic Education 2020-2021

Public etiquette

Focus Public etiquette
Aim To raise the awareness of public etiquette
Ways Powerpoint slides (including examples and photos)


Awards appreciation (to encourage students to get involved in the discussion

Where Morning assembly or

Class teacher period

 A powerpoint presentation will also be shown to students on morning assemblies or during class periods to raise awareness of public etiquette.

 In the powerpoint slides, pictures will be shown to let students know what general etiquette students should have, both in school and outside school.

 Finally, a question “How should we behave when we attend school assemblies and school events?” will be asked in order to raise awareness of proper manner students should have in various school events.

 Students are encouraged to write a promise card that they can do well in the aspect of public etiquette for the coming academic year.


Focus Vandalism
Aim To raise the awareness of vandalism

To emphasize the importance of protecting public and private properties

Ways Powerpoint slides (including examples and photos)


Awards appreciation (to encourage students to get involved in the discussion

Where Morning assembly or

Class teacher period

A powerpoint presentation will be shown to students in morning assemblies or during class teacher periods to raise awareness of vandalism.

 In the powerpoint slides, students will be asked some questions related to vandalism, both in school and in the street, using examples to raise their awareness in order to show the importance of not to destroy private and public properties.