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Broadway Buddy 2022 – 2023

Broadway Buddies program 2022 – 2023


1.     To try and provide Broadway Buddies services to more than just 40 students.

2.     To aid form 1 students in their transition from primary to secondary school life.

3.     To train the BB mentors to be more welcoming, approachable, caring and responsible.

4.     To promote the services of BBs in better light to mentees so they are more willing to join and are more receptive to the help and guidance of the mentors.

Work Schedule

Part 1. Selection of Form 4 and Form 5 students to be a Broadway Mentors (Oct)

a.     Recommended by Form 4 and Form 5 class teachers

b.     Target around 20-25 students who have a caring nature and are sociable would be highly recommended

Part 2.  Recruitment of mentees (Nov)

a.     Class teachers of all junior classes can recommend 4-5 students from each class and totally around 48-60 students, either voluntary or class teachers identifies students who need care and concern

Work SchedulePeriod/DateAction Plan

Part 1




Recruitment of BB mentors:

Liaise with class teachers,

Talk to students, promotion,

Settle the list


Part 2




Recruitment of BB mentees:

Liaise with junior form class teachers, Promotion, talk to the junior students and settle the list


Part 3




Training of BB mentors:

Conduct and organize a series of focused workshops


Part 4Feb

Matching the buddies:

Organize and conduct the matching day


Part 5




Lunch Time Gathering operation:

Schedule and operate the lunch time gathering, booking the bio lab, remaindering students, on duty during the lunch time gathering


Part 6




Ending Trip / Day camp:

Organize and conduct the Trip, budgeting, recruitment, etc.






Lunch Gathering