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WEB Application 

By submitting application form to school office

Application Procedure

1. Fill in the application form.

2. Accompanied by parent/guardian, submit the completed application form with the original
and photocopy of the following documents:
i.   Applicant’s HKID Card or passport
ii.  Parent’s/guardian’s HKID Card or passport
iii. Recent report cards
iv. Certificates showing applicant’s achievement
v.  Address proof (e.g. electricity bill)

3. Pay $10 application fee.

4. Applicants will be asked to attend interview/entrance test.

5. Successful application will be notified by phone/mail/email.

Admission Criteria

The following will be considered during the admission procedures:

1. Academic ability
2. Language ability
3. Conduct
4. Participation in extra-curricular activities and other learning activities
5. Parental support
6. Interview performance
Fee Remission

To ensure quality education for all students

The Scheme:  

The school fee remission will be granted for full or half,depending on the financial situation of the applicant ’s family. Our school will allocate more than 10% of our school fee income to the scheme.

Assessment of eligibility:  

A. All our students with financial need can apply through their parents/guardians.

B. Applicant’s family financial situation will be assessed.


C. Priority will be given to the applicants receiving CSSA or beneficiaries of Student Financial Assistance Schemes. Beneficiaries of CSSA or full subsidies in Student Financial Assistance Schemes will receive full school fee remission. Half rate beneficiaries of Student Financial Assistance Schemes will receive half school fee remission.

D. The amount of remission and the number of beneficiaries are subject to adjustment and depend on the number of applications of the school year.

Students’ academic results will be ranked at the end of the school year to determine recipients of year-level scholarships and academic awards.
For more information, please contact the school  in office hours. Tel: 2742 2028